8 tips every woman should remember when running alone (Part 2)

On rainy days, you do not need to wear raincoats because the heat-retaining accessories make your body hotter, instead wearing a brimmed hat to prevent visibility.

Women need to carefully study the road, keep their minds awake when jogging alone.

Slow start

When practicing outside, the runner should not run too much but need to regulate to give the body time to adapt. Even those who are familiar with indoor treadmill need to adjust distance, change of terrain will lead to difference in stride length.

You should start running half a kilometer from your workout, or ensure the 10% rule (no more than 10% mileage in the next week).

Bring some electronics

While jogging helps runner out of technology slavery, mobile phones are an important navigation tool that allows you to store health and identity information in an emergency.

Headphones, GPS watches are also many favorite athletes. However, it is important that they are not distracting. If you’re obsessed with checking watches and playlists, you can skip the technology to change the running experience.

Always obey traffic laws

Running in crowded places, especially at stops, you need to watch carefully because not every driver can see you. Compliance with traffic laws such as traveling in the right lane, following signs, beacons, etc. helps runner avoid potential risks.

Many people have a habit of listening to music during practice, which affects their concentration when moving to intersections. According to Coach Corkum, you should only use a headset to be able to feel what is happening around.

Believe in instinct

Running alone on a deserted road brings fear to many girls. If your instinct is not right, you should trust your instincts, turn your head, or redirect to a crowded place. Some female athletes said that it was safer to install a digital application that allowed family and friends to follow the running route. Some people carry dogs or equipment such as personal alarms, reflective bands, etc.

Enjoy the feeling of running alone

Running alone, no one is watching and assessing the training process, you will feel more about the environment, yourself than using a treadmill in the house. Experts recommend that women find a quiet, green route, see each run as an adventure … to create excitement, nurture an open attitude with outdoor experiences.