fastest runner

The fastest runner in the world is in the 80-84 age group

May 20, 2020

84-year-old Tony Bowman overcomes health challenges to win a gold medal running over the obstacles aged 80-84. Tony is the representative for GB team at the recent European Championships in Italy, aged 80-84. He won three medals after the competition,Read More

Who will replace Usain Bolt to be the fastest runner in the world? (Part 2)

May 16, 2020

Christian Coleman is the more ideal name. Also an American, Coleman is only 23 years old this year and his achievement chart is an upward graph that has no end. A year after winning the gold medal in London 2017,Read More

Who will replace Usain Bolt to be the fastest runner in the world? (Part 1)

May 6, 2020

The first time Usain Bolt attended the World Championship was in Helsinki (Finland) 2005. That year, his most impressive achievement was the 200m final. Two years later, Bolt improved and won this content gold medal. By 2009, the era ofRead More